rockwitch superstar
i heard rocks actually die & it is the most painful death: stretched-thin screaming ageless choirs of the underneath below root river bridge boat girl sun and even all light entirely forgotten limp lying amidst the lava birds the low hum of pain the deep fuck of everyone dead sunk the secret low friends sad rocks are screaming with and not at them in the underneath where the slow pain is, teething small molars on the ur ow-fuck where the butch pain is, seething smoke slime spit dust chalk that draws impossible hop scotch and coughs rust
the woman who told me this about rocks wore a bird mask
so after she told me she was actually able to fly away
because the bird mask made her go actually sky bird as fuck like plastic bird surgery, or in the sky i guess, or like in this thing that actually happened, ask the angels
Bird-girl called down Raphael to cry his chiseled jaw wet
eyes to the lava-sea far-off deeper glinting sad slow nodding -- Bird-girl calls to him and he comes to her invites her inside him under his starlight preens her after in the moonlight,
kissing-better beaches of sifted memories too sun-hot for soft lips
best dress i ever bought
[ in the day recounted in this poem
i had not shaved / had stubble ]
i am so pretty & the smell of tomato mould
red asploded on my blushy face & best dress
i ever bought, at the vintage shop, purple silk
where the store owner did sissy tropes
at me from CD geocities 1993 --
doesnt that feel soooo soft on your legs? so smooth? it just glides on your skin
& it did & O she probably met sioxsie sioux at some party in london ontario & O she prolly
shook hands with genesis once & O whatever
old bat im pretty too
i got the dress & sat at the river
with my best friend forever &
we cackled from the blue below
at pomp undersides of seagull thieves
their give-fuck-less clever amber beaks
gleaming like swords in the sunlight
Gwen Aube is a poet and vandal from Windsor, Ontario. Her work can be found here in Lammergeier Magazine, her very first publication!
Instagram: @gwendolyssa
Want more Gwen? Check out our featured poet interview with her here!