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Editors' Notes:
Featured Writer Interviews:
Featured Fiction Writer | T.R. North
Featured Nonfiction Writer | Isaac Yeun
Gallows Apple | T.R. North
Scratching Post | Jared Povanda
How to Take a Hit | DJ Shoemaker
Journeys to Earthsea: An Ursula K. Le Guin Tribute | Isaac Yeun
An observation, I perform . . . | Migien Mocke
Meals for Cheap | Benjamin Kinney
Two Poems | M. Eileen
Mother Nature | Adrianna Gordey
Lazarus | Alana Solin
Two Poems | Sophia Tempest Parsons
ordain / climax | Savannah Slone
shroud | j.m. moss
Aubade for a Motherfucker | Madison Charbonneau
Creatures Across the Street | Raymond Luczak
Ghost Town | Caleb Howard
Lacunar Amnesia | Maia Carlson
Image Credit, Issue One: Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) 2, Noel Reynolds, 2008
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