Jon Does 68 Damage in Call of Duty and Says to Write It Down
Battle Royales only ever have one map
and it’s always an island
because there has to be an end,
a point where you stop running
and maybe your team isn’t
great, maybe you mostly
hide. Maybe the damage
you do is damage
that doesn’t kill. I have a friend
who believes that everything
we do is damage to ourselves
no matter how fun, no matter
how inconsequential
that cup of coffee
that walk in the sun
that game
it all adds up
eventually, like how
the news tells us
the worst in daily increments
how a little bit each
day never seems as bad
as it could get
In wargames, they add your score
at the end, all the damage you’ve done,
the tasks you’ve completed,
and the number seems
so simple—
an arithmetic of what
we so willingly
give to one another.
Chloe N. Clark is the author of Collective Gravities, Your Strange Fortune, the forthcoming Escaping the Body, and more. She is co-EIC of Cotton Xenomorph, teaches, and can be found on Twitter.
Twitter: @PintsNCupcakes